A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
on-again,off-again relationship 分分合合的戀情
A: Elizabeth called me last night crying about her breakup with David again.
A: Elizabeth 昨晚打電話給我哭訴她和 David 再度分手的事。
B: I don't know about her, but I'm getting really tired of their on-again, off again relationship. I mean, if they fight so much, maybe they're not meant to be together.
B: 我是不知道她(怎麼想)啦! 但是我實在對於他們這樣分分合合覺得厭倦了。我的意思是, 如果他們這麼容易吵架的話, 也許他們就是不是注定要在一起的嘛!

◆每個人對於感情的處理方式都不太一樣。有些人是在決定和對方分手後就絕不回頭了。也有些人比較放不開, 總會想再重試一次, 希望問題會解決。於是就會像電燈的開關一樣, 現在打開(on), 等一下關起來(off), 之後又打開....就是這樣的 "on-again, off-again" 囉!
one-night stand 一夜情
A: How do you view one night stands?
A: 你如何看「一夜情」?
B: They're not for me. I'm more interested in having a real relationship.
B: 它們並不適合我。 我對真正的感情比較感興趣。
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