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【miscellaneous 】【好用的詞系列】- Pick Up (下) |
英文裡有一些詞語非常的簡單, 卻用起來也非常非常的方便。只要懂了它的各種用法, 學一個詞像學了十幾個詞一樣的好用。這一系列我整理了幾個常見又實用的簡單詞語, 希望對讀者們有幫助。
Daisy, on 05/15/2005 |
承前頁 - Pick Up
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付帳 |
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It's traditional for the man to pick up the check on the first date.
傳統上, 男的應該在第一次約會的時候付帳。
※ 把帳單「拿起來」應該接著要付錢了吧? 如果這樣聯想的話, 應該很容易想到 pick up the check 有「付帳」的意思的。
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搭訕; 釣馬子 |
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A man with a lot of tattoos tried to pick up on her at the bus station.
※ 這句話也可說成 A man with a lot of tattoos tried to pick her up at the bus station.
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收拾行囊 |
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She just picked up and left her husband of eight years.
她包袱收收, 就離開了他結婚八年的丈夫。
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改善 |
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After a slow season, the business began to pick up.
在一個淡季之後, 生意開始有了起色。
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增加(速度、節奏等) |
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We need to pick up the speed a little bit. We're losing him.
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The wind started to pick up, making it even colder.
風開始大了起來, 讓天氣變得更冷。
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(從跌倒或困難中)站立起來 |
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The old lady managed to pick herself up from the floor.
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逮捕 |
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The cops picked him up for possession of crack cocaine last night.
※ 被警察「接走」了應該沒什麼好事吧? 如果這樣想的話, 應該就不難將 pick up 和「逮捕」聯想在一起的。
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