A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
faithful (情侶及配偶間的)忠實
A: I don't know why, but the fact that Andy broke up with his ex-girlfriend for me has made it difficult for me to really trust him.
A: 不知何故, 但 Andy 為了我而和他以前的女朋友分開讓我很難去真正信任他。
B: I can totally understand that. After all, he wasn't being faithful when he was with her. You're afraid that history may repeat itself.
B: 我完全可已理解。畢竟, 他跟她在一起時並不忠實。(所以)妳擔心歷史會重演。

◆有時候, 我們因為以為是對方「選擇」了自己而受到感動。但往往更真實卻被忽略的是, 這一切不過是對方的一種「習慣」。一段時日之後, 對方又「選擇」了別人。聽過人家常說的 "What comes around goes around." (直譯: 來了什麼, 就去了什麼) 嗎?
◆【黛西註】What comes around goes around. (或 What goes around comes around.) 的觀念蠻像佛教的『因果輪迴』(Karma)觀念。
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