A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
1 | 2 | 3
out of the blue 忽然間; 無緣無故
A: You'll never guess what happened yesterday!"
A: 妳一定不會想不到昨天發生什麼事了?
B: What was it?
B: 什麼事啊?
A: Dr. Johnson contacted me out of the blue to ask if I'd be interested in writing a few lines for his new book.
A: Dr. Johnson 忽然和我聯絡, 問我有沒有興趣為他的新書寫幾句。

◆"out of the blue" 是 unexpectedly 「非意料中」、「忽然間」的意思。它是從 "out of a clear blue sky" 這一個詞來的。
over one's head 跨越到更高的職銜; 超過某人所能理解的
A: I finally got my rebate for my washer and dryer.
A: 我終於拿回我的洗衣機和烘乾機的折扣金了。
B: Good for you, but I thought they wouldn't give it to you last time.
B: 太好了, 但是我以為他們上次是不願意給你的。
A: I went back to the store yesterday. Since the guy I spoke to couldn't help me, I decided to go over his head and talk to his supervisor. She credited $200 to my account immediately.
A: 我昨天又回到店裡去。既然和我講話的那個人不能幫我, 我就越過他, 跟他的上司講話。她馬上信用卡戶頭退補了二百元。

◆over my head 除了可以表示「職權上」的超越外, 還可表「理解能力」上的超越。例句請看右邊的【黛西的小字典】。
◆Good for you 是 It's good for you 的意思, 用來表示為對方開心或肯定對方所做的事的一種常用說法。
§待續 §
  符合 條件.
【黛西的小字典】- over one's head
小字典 over one's head 有下列二種意思:
【例】Henry was disappointed when his assistant was promoted over his head after having been there for only six months. 當助手在進來後六個月內就被提昇到他的頂上, Henry 感到失望。
【例】This advanced calculus class is simply over my head. 這堂高等微積分課完全不是我能夠搞懂的東西。
【黛西的小筆記】- out of the blue
黛西的小筆記   out of the blue
=out of a clear blue sky
=out of nowhere
【生活小祕方】- 善用 rebate benefit
小妙方 美國有些廠商為了促銷商品, 會在一定的期限內辦贈送 rebate (折扣金)的活動。讓顧客可以將消費證明的文件寄回服務部門, 以換取折扣金。
◆收據 (receipt)
◆商品條碼 (UPC - Universal Product Code)
◆折扣金索取表格(rebate form)
※ 為防止郵件的遺失, 最好留下正本, 以影本寄出。通常在二個月到三個月內, 顧客應該就會收到廠商寄來的支票。如果沒有, 可以打電話查詢。