A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
smell a rat (某事)怪怪的
A: Kevin wants to sell me his brand-new 4RUNNER for under $25,000.
A: Kevin 要把他全新的 Toyota 4RUNNER 用不到 $25,000 賣給我。
B: I smell a rat. Do you?
B: 我覺得這件事怪怪的, 你呢?

◆I smell a rat 就是 I smell something fishy, 都是覺得事有蹊蹺的意思。用「魚」和「老鼠」是因為美國人覺得這二者都有股怪味。
◆brand-new 也可寫成 bran-new, 是全新的意思。
Snap out of it! 振作一點! 恢復正常(鎮定)!
A: I have been so lonely and sad ever since Drew and I broke up. I wonder if there's a possibility for a second chance for us.
A: 自從 Drew 和我分手後, 我一直覺得很寂寞很悲傷。我不知道我們之間是否可能再有一次機會。
B: Snap out of it, Kay! Drew is not the right person for you. Be strong and walk away from this man.
B: 振作起來吧, Kay! Drew 不適合妳。勇敢的離開這個人吧!

◆"Snape out it!" 是用在鼓勵一個人從悲傷、自憐、自責、擔憂等情緒中站起來所用的話。蠻常聽到的一個口語。
spooky 玄; 可怕的
A: I had a dream last night that Keith and I had a big argument. This morning he came in wearing the same clothes he had on in my dream!
A: 我昨晚夢見我和 Keith 大吵了一頓。 今天早上, 他穿著和他昨晚在我夢裡穿的一樣的衣服進來。
B: That's spooky!
B: 真玄!

◆"spooky" 是暗指一些帶點鬼怪或太湊巧等而令人覺得「恐怖」的意思。
spill the beans 洩露秘密
A: I heard that you and Philip had just got engaged.
A: 我聽說妳和 Philip 訂婚了。
B: What? Who spilled the beans? No one is supposed to know about it.
B: 什麼? 是誰說出去的? 這本來應該是個秘密的。

◆spill the beans 的 "spill" 有「灑」的意思。至於為什麼「灑豆子」是說「說出秘密」呢? 看過幾種說法, 但至今並沒有一個真正可採信的說法。
◆"be engaged" 是「訂婚」的意思。
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【黛西的小筆記】smell a rat
黛西的小筆記   smell a rat
=smell a fish
=smells fishy