A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
blue in the face 臉紅氣喘
A: Carly is quitting college to pursue modeling.
A: Carly 要放棄大學去當模特兒。
B: She told me that already.
B: 她跟我說了。
A: Can you try to talk her out of it?
A: 你能不能勸她不要這樣作呢?
B: Dear, you know Carly. If she wants something, she goes for it. You can argue with her until you're blue in the face, but you can't change her mind.
B: 親愛的, 妳了解 Carly。她想要的, 她一定去追求。妳可以跟她辯論, 辯到臉紅氣喘的, 但妳是沒有辦法改變她的想法的!

◆通常我們說一個人和人家爭論辯到臉紅脖子粗, 不過美國人語卻認為在激烈爭執中, 有時人會因氣喘不過來而臉呈藍綠色。所以他們用"blue in the face" 來表示。
boo-boo 錯誤
A: Why are you so upset?
A: 為什麼這麼不開心呢?
B: I made a boo-boo while transferring files over the Internet and lost my data.
B: 我在上傳一些檔案時犯了一個錯誤, 結果資料都丟了。
boss around 對他人頤指氣使
A: Oh, No! I got assigned to work with Marvin for a group project.
A: 噢, 不! 我被分配跟 Marvin 一起做團體作業。
B: He's really smart. The problem is that he enjoys bossing people around way too much.
B: 他很聰明。問題是他太愛指使人家了。

◆形容一個人喜歡命令別人, 可以說 "He is very bossy."。
bottom line 最主要的; 決定的要素是
We can talk about this all night long, but the bottom line is you need to decide for yourself.
我們可以整晚的談下去。但最重要的是, 你要為自己作決定。

◆"bottome line" 往往是在嘰哩瓜啦說了一堆話後, 最後要冒出真正重要的關鍵話前才跑出來的一個詞語。
§ More §
  符合 條件.
【黛西的小字典】- boo-boo v.s. boo
小字典 boo-boo 和 boo 的差別
◆boo-boo : 錯誤
◆boo : 表示輕蔑、不同意或不滿的聲音
【黛西的小筆記】- boss around
黛西的小筆記 ◆boss around = push around
◆brush off = brush aside = push aside
【字的聯想】- bottom
字的聯想 表示"屁屁"的字至少有下列幾個:
◆rear end