A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
brush off 不理; 默視; 回絕
A: Have you ever reported Ian's sexual harassment of you to Mr. Lambert?
A: 你沒有跟 Lambert 先生提過 Ian 對妳性騷擾的事呢?
B: Yes, but he brushed it off as if it were not a big deal to him.
B: 有! 但他輕輕帶過(不理), 好像他覺得那並沒有什麼!
buns 屁屁
A: Hey! What are you doing staring at that girl's buns?
A: 嘿! 你眼睛瞪著那個女孩子的屁股看幹什麼?
B: I'm not. I just like the skirt she's wearing.
B: 我沒有呀! 我只是喜歡她穿的那件裙子。

◆"bun" 本來是「圓形麵包」的意思, 不過二個「圓形麵包」(buns) 一起是否跟屁屁看起來有點像呢?
這樣的聯想雖然沒什麼氣質, 但方便記憶吧?
butterflies in one's stomach
A: Hey! Ready for your presentation tomorrow?
A: 嘿! 明天的報告準備的如何?
B: Oh, please don't bring it up. I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.
B: 噢, 拜託請不要提起這件事! 我光想到就緊張得要死.....

◆對一向害怕蝴蝶、蛾之類昆蟲的我來說, 絕對不敢想像「蝴蝶在我肚子裡飛來飛去」是什麼樣子。真是太噁心了。
我不是很能夠理解為什麼美國人會將「蝴蝶在肚子裡飛來飛去」和「緊張」聯想在一起, 跟「恐怖」倒是比較配吧! 不過這個詞語很實用, 經常會用到的。
bury one's head in the sand 逃避(現實等); 抱持駝鳥心理
A: I appreciate very much that you're trying to help Sheery and me, but I don't think you understand our problems.
A: 我很感謝你想幫助Sherry 和我。但我不認為你明白我們之間的問題。
B: Maybe I don't, but burying your head in the sand doesn't help.
B: 也許我不明白。 但是你把自己當成駝鳥, 把你的頭藏在沙堆裡是於事無補的。

◆"bury one's head in the sand" (把頭埋在沙裡)這個詞語其實和我們中文講的抱持「駝鳥心理」的原因是一樣的。同樣是從駝鳥(ostrich) 這種動物在遇到危險時會把自己的頭藏起來(以為就沒事了)的行為而得到靈感的。很有意思吧!
§待續 §
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【黛西的小字典】- bun
小字典 "bun" 大致有下列三個意思:
黛西的小筆記   bury one's head in the sand"
=hide one's head in the sand"